Our Products

  • Japanese Language Learning App kurashi study
  • Online Learning Platform Bring Japanese language classes online
  • Japanese Language Learning Service for Employees hanasu plus
  • Local Tourism Website for Inbound Travelers ANABA JAPAN
  • Website for Foreign Residents in Japan Website for Foreign Residents in Japan

  • Interview with CEO of SUN!
  • About SUN's Global Business
  • President and CEO:
  • Nakasone Shunpei

"Please tell us how you started your company"

Please tell us how you started your company
I created my company with the idea of "wanting to connect people around the world" and "wanting to do business on the world stage", so from the very beginning I had no intention of creating a company with only Japanese employees. First of all, I thought it was necessary to create a global workplace, so I took advantage of a Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) project, and within three months of starting the company, I went to Bangladesh myself and started recruiting there.

There were many young people there who worked hard at their studies every day and dreamed of working in Japan. SUN was looking for aspiring people like them, who weren't afraid to take on challenges, and they were also looking for a company like SUN. It was truly a "people connection" moment. That was when I met the Bangladesh employees who currently work at SUN.

"How did the president become interested in foreign countries?"

Due to my parents' work, I lived in the U.S. between the ages of 6 and 9. At that time, when I went to visit my neighbors' houses for events such as Halloween or Christmas, I remember seeing very large bags filled with sweets, and feeling the cultural differences.

Even after returning to Japan, we continued living with our overseas experiences, for example my parents would call me from work in English. From a young age, I willingly went abroad, I participated in exchange programs in high school and traveled abroad at university. When I went abroad, appreciating the cultural differences, it was interesting to experience those misunderstandings that are based on cultural norms. I was stimulated by the cultural values and differences that are not found in Japan.

"What does cultural difference mean for the president?"

What does cultural difference mean for the president?
The differences between Japan and other countries are framed as cultural, but I think that cultural differences are based on individuality. Just within Japan there are some differences in thinking and customs depending on the region. Diversity of race, religion, or culture are the "differences" that each individual has, and I never distinguish a difference "because they are foreigners, or because they are Japanese".

"Inducting Bangladeshi employees, the first challenge for the company, How did you consciously prepare?"

If every person can have someone close to them and build a relationship of trust with them, they can manage even in difficult or tough times. Before the induction of the three people from Bangladeshi that would be moving to a foreign land, I thought it was important to build a relationship of trust first. I wanted to be able to help them immediately if there were any difficulties.

Firstly, two months before they came to Japan, I went back to Bangladesh to visit their parents' home. I knew that their families would be anxious about the journey to Japan, so I wanted to reassure them by letting them see the manager. On arriving in Japan, of course they were provided with company housing and general living support, more personally, I also invited them to my parents' home, so they could experience Japanese culture and we could enjoy each other's company outside of work. Having taken the leap to come to Japan, I want them to have a sense of fulfillment both at work and privately, with the hope they will come to cherish Japan.

"What is SUN's project to support foreign residents in Japan?"

What is SUN's project to support foreign residents in Japan?
My research on recruiting foreign residents in Japan made me aware of the challenges they face in their daily lives whilst in Japan. I wanted to help them through SUN, so I started two initiatives.

Firstly, we launched the "Connect Project," an in-house project to support foreign residents in Japan. At that time, I was investigating the situation of Japanese language education when I heard that the number of foreigners living in Japan had been increasing since 2012. I also had the chance to talk with Japanese language teachers, who teach Japanese to foreigners living in Japan, and heard that there wasn't a convenient Japanese language learning app. I thought that SUN could address this need, so I decided to make a Japanese language learning app ourselves. That's how we came up with "Kurashi Study", the app which we provide. At the same time, I thought it would be convenient if there was a website with all the information necessary for living in Japan, so we launched "Kurashi Japan" for foreigners living in Japan.

Secondly, we are preparing to set up offshore bases to create employment overseas. Recently, I had the opportunity to learn more about technical intern trainees, who are often featured in the Japanese media. They come to Japan with the aim of playing a role in the economic development of developing regions, and learn Japanese skills and knowledge while working in Japan. However, when they return to their home countries after completing their training period in Japan, they often encounter difficulties in finding employment. It's a waste to have no place to utilize the skills you've learned. Therefore, in the future, SUN wants to create overseas bases, so that on returning home they can work locally. It would be great if SUN could act in the position of employer and contribute to the economy of that country!
Looking at the world, the problems and social backgrounds faced by each country are different. As SUN grows its business, and expands our overseas bases with a local awareness, we want to be mindful of our contribution to society.
Nakasone Shunpei
SUN Co., Ltd. President and CEO
Nakasone Shunpei

Born in Hita City, Oita prefecture in April 1983. He lived in the United States during his early childhood, when his parents transferred to California and New Jersey through work. After graduating from Teikyo University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2006, he worked as a sales representative in the insurance and advertising industries before moving to the IT industry in 2012. In 2018, he founded SUN Co,. Ltd.. SUN's aim is to contribute to the world with IT as its core business, and is currently working hard to promote services that support overseas residents in Japan.
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