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About the handling of personal information

Purposes for Using Personal Information under the Company

  • Each time the Company obtains personal information in writing directly from clients (including personal information obtained through the website and emails etc), we shall clearly inform the clients of the intended use of such information in a written form prior to said use.
  • Other Purposes for Using Personal Information.
    Category Purpose of Use
    Individual Client Information
    • To manage use history
    • To respond to inquiries
    Personal Information of Corporate Clients' Person-in-Charge
    • To execute the order and supply system and to carry out the claim-filing process
    Personal Information of Main Personnel at Partner Companies
    • To understand the capability of personnel at consigned company for smooth process of system development
    Personal Information of Applicants
    • To carry out the hiring process
    Personal Information of Clients obtained from Service Consignment
    • To properly execute consigned services

Dissemination of Matters Related to Retained Personal Data

With regards to personal data retained by the Company, the Company shall respond to a request made by a client or his/her consignee to notify the purpose of use, to disclose, to correct add or to delete the content, to discontinue its use, to erase, or to discontinue its provision to a third party (hereunder referred to as "Request for Disclosure, etc") in the following manner.

  • Name of Operator
    Sun Co., Ltd.
  • Administrator for Personal Information Protection
    Contact Center for Personal Information
    Department: Corporate Development Department
    TEL: 03-6206-6152
  • Purposes for Using All Retained Personal Data
    Category Purpose of Use
    Individual Client Information
    • To provide support to users
    • To manage use history
    • To offer a guide to our services
    • To cater to respective inquiries
    Personal Information of Corporate Clients' Person-in-Charge
    • Personal Information of the Company's Employees
    Personal Information of the Company's Employees
    • To perform personnel management, workload management, health management and security management
    Personal Information of Applicants to the Company
    • To contact applicants and to manage hiring work
    Specific Personal Information
    • For the purposes of use stipulated under My Number Act
  • Where to file a complaint on the handling of retained personal data:

    SUN Co., Ltd  
    Contact for personal information

    Noax Bld 3F,
    1-16-4 Nishi-shimbashi,
    Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003


    ( Reception time 9:00~18:00
    *Except Saturdays and Sundays, public holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, Golden Week)

  • Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization
    The Company is not a member of any authorized personal information protection organization at present.
  • Procedure for Responding to Requests in Regards to Retained Personal Data as Disclosure etc.
    • Where to Request for Disclosure etc. of Information
      Please make a request for disclosure etc. of information in the above Contact Center for Personal Information.
    • Procedure for Requests such as Disclosure etc. of Information
      • After your request has been received, the Company will send you the designated form for making such request "Request Form for Disclosure etc. of Retained Personal Data" via mail.
      • Please send the accomplished Request Form, document(s) to certify that said request has been made by his/her agent, and a Postal Money Order for the fee amount (only for requests for notification of purpose of use and disclosure) to the above Contact Center for Personal Information via mail.
      • Upon receipt of said request, we will make inquiries regarding your identifiable personal information for verification purposes in two terms (eg. your phone number and date of birth etc).
      • The response shall be made to the requesting party in writing (sealed letter).
    • Documents to Certify Agent's Identification in Case of Consigned Request
      In case that a request for disclosure etc. has been made by his/her agent, kindly attach document(s) to certify that said individual is indeed an agent to the client and document(s) to prove the agent's identification in the mail. Please ensure that the information of your principle domicile contains only concerned prefecture, and the succeeding information shall be blacked out from submitted documents. In addition, please submit such related documents without the inclusion of My Number, or kindly black out all digits in said documents before submission.

      Documents to Certify Agent's Status

      • When an agent has been consigned by the client for request of disclosure etc.
        • Letter of attorney signed by the client (Original copy)
      • < When an agent is the legal guardian of a minor>

        A photocopy of any of the following documents:

        • Family register
        • Certificate of residence (with mention of relationship to the consignee)
        • Other official document to prove the authority of statutory representation
      • When an agent has been consigned by the client for request for disclosure etc.
        • Letter of attorney signed by the client (Original copy)

      Documents to certify the identification of the agent

      • Driver's license
      • Passport
      • Health insurance card
      • Certificate of residence
    • Fee for request for notification of purpose of use or disclosure
      ¥1,000 per request
      (Kindly enclose the Postal Money Order attached in the Request Form)

Nothing follows.

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