Our Products

  • Japanese Language Learning App kurashi study
  • Online Learning Platform Bring Japanese language classes online
  • Japanese Language Learning Service for Employees hanasu plus
  • Local Tourism Website for Inbound Travelers ANABA JAPAN
  • Website for Foreign Residents in Japan Website for Foreign Residents in Japan

"Offshore Software Development" is once again attracting attention in Japan,
which is suffering from a shortage of IT human resources.
We have a system development office in Bangladesh,
which has a lot of highly skilled human resources.
Our Japanese staff will provide you with extensive support
to make your first offshore development experience a success.

Advantages of Bangladesh
in Offshore Software Development

  • Solution of IT workers shortages
  • Attracting Talent in STEM Fields
  • Friendly to Japan and hard-working personality
  • Speaks Japanese and English

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Our reliable service
makes your project a success

Support with local Japanese

Japanese is a high-context language in which "subject" and "object" are often/commonly omitted. The most important information in work, such as "who" and "what", tend to be omitted in Japanese. This can lead to misunderstanding when communicating with non-native Japanese speakers who may not be able to guess from the situation. Therefore, we have a Japanese manager in Bangladesh who communicates with clients in Japanese to prevent miscommunication.

Frequent communication

We communicate frequently with the client to keep the project moving forward. Any unclear points or questions in the specifications should be promptly confirmed and handled before problems occur, which will lead to project progress efficiently. We hold regular meetings to clear the priorities of tasks and to catch problems and mistakes as early as possible.

Japanese style and quality

We are able to develop Japan-quality systems. Sharing knowledge with the development team and understanding what should be done by all project members is very important in offshore system development. Our bridge system engineers, who are knowledgeable and have extensive system development experience in Japan, will make sure the project proceeds successfully.

Advantages of Bangladesh
in Offshore Software Development

Solution of
IT workers shortages

The promotion of IT utilization and digital transformation (DX) has caused a serious problem of "IT human resource shortage". Offshore software development is getting attention again as a solution to the problem. The competition for hiring IT workers in Japan is intensifying year by year, and the unit price of software engineers is increasing, making it difficult to assign experienced Japanese engineers to the project. Offshore software development makes it more efficient to obtain resources.

Attracting Talent in
STEM Fields

According to a study released in 2020, Bangladesh ranks ninth in the world in the number of advanced STEM field graduates, producing more graduates than Japan, which ranks 13th. Human resources in STEM fields, which are needed to handle advanced technologies such as security engineers, big data, and AI engineers, are in increasing demand worldwide.

*STEM is an abbreviation for the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

Friendly to Japan and
hard-working personality

Bangladesh, where infrastructure such as bridges and subways are being developed with support from Japan, is also well known as a country with people who are friendly to Japan. Bangladesh is also a major recipient of Japan's Official Development Assistance (ODA), and both countries have built friendly economic relationships. Rapid economic growth has brought about investment in education, and many young people are now studying at universities and taking up the challenge of advanced careers. They have a strong responsibility and ambition, and they work hard to meet the family's expectations. In addition, through the efforts of JETRO, the number of Japanese-speaking system engineers is increasing.

Available in both
Japanese and English

We are able to communicate in both Japanese and English. In Bangladesh, education is also provided in English, and English level is higher than in Japan. For clients who wish to communicate in English, our engineers in Bangladesh who are fluent in English will assist them. They can quickly catch information on the latest technology and new tools in English and utilize them in your project.

Services we provide

  • Web System
  • Website
  • Mobile Apps
  • Business System
  • E-Learning App
  • Online Learning Platforms
  • System Maintenance and Operation

Contract Options

  • Outsourcing

    Outsourced development, which is recommended for projects that start the development phase after determining detailed system design, such as Waterfall model. Our one-stop proposal for business systems, web systems, application development, etc., in various phases "Planning - Requirement Definition - Development - Operation - Maintenance".

  • Labo-Model

    We offer Labo-style development in which we build an in-house development team for the spesific client for a requested period. This is recommended for projects that repeat small development cycles for each function, such as agile development, to determine the system specifications.

Flow of your order

  • Inquiry

  • Consultation

  • Proposal/

  • Place an Order

  • Design

  • Development

  • Delivery

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